Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. If you are in your 20s, you usually do not need to care much to make your skin look healthy but as you approach your 30s, you will notice that if you miss out on your skin care routine even for a few days, your skin may start looking dull. With aging, your skin starts losing its natural luster and elasticity hence taking care of your skin become altogether more important.
We have listed a few important skin care tips below which can make a big difference in improving your skin texture.
1. Know Your Skin Type
I am keeping this on top as many of us skip this tip. A moisturizer must be working great for your best friend, but it is not important that the same will work for you, in fact, it may give you negative results. There are several different skin types and each person has a particular skin type. There are different products available in the market for every skin type. Hence, know your skin before you apply any product on your face.
2. Exfoliate your skin
Dead skin cell makes your skin look dull and feel rough. They form a build up and make it difficult for your moisturizers to penetrate hence getting rid of them is very important. Using a scrub twice a week is a good way to get rid of these build-ups. Do not use a body scrub on the face as the body scrub usually consists of bigger granules which are hard and rough for the facial skin. Buy a face scrub instead and make sure you scrub your skin gently.
3. Remove your makeup before bed
Now most of us are aware of this step but many of us do not follow this just because we feel lazy or tired. Even I have slept with my makeup on multiple times and faced the consequence Do not make this mistake. Use a makeup remover and wash your face after that. Concentrate on removing the eye makeup as that is the toughest to get rid of.
4. Apply sunscreen daily
We just cannot emphasize how important this is as too much sun exposure may cause sun damages and sunburns. In extreme cases, you may be prone to skin cancer. The UV rays of the sun can accelerate aging as well and cause early wrinkles and skin sagging. Practice good sun protection and apply sunscreen around 15 minutes prior to stepping out in the sun.
5. Get Your Beauty Sleep:
Irrespective of what beauty products you use, if you do not get your beauty sleep of 8 hours, your skin will not get enough time to generate new cells and feel rejuvenated. Adequate sleep helps in delaying aging and reduces dark circles hence do get a full night’s sleep.
6. Exercise regularly
Exercise can result in good blood circulation in body and release of toxins from the body hence your body regenerates new cells and reverses the effect of aging.
7. Eating a Balanced Diet:
Again, eating the right diet is important as no skin cream nutrients can penetrate as deep as the ones that enter the body through meals. These nutrients can help in maintaining healthy skin and hair.
8. Drink Lots of Water:
Water is one thing which can cure multiple skin issues. Drinking enough water will keep your skin hydrated and will help in eliminating toxins from your body hence clearing up the skin.
The aesthetic facial aspect is extremely important for many individuals and it is also a requirement in many industries such as hospitality, acting, and fashion. Sometimes just following a skin care routine is not enough and your skin needs more. If you are looking out for further aesthetic improvements, reaching out to a specialist in aesthetics medicine may be a great idea to achieve the look you wish for.
The post 8 Beauty Tips You Just Cannot Ignore appeared first on Alternative Medicine Magazine.