When an individual has type 2 diabetes, the insulin in their pancreas does not do a thorough job of transporting glucose (sugar) from the bloodstream and into the cells. This means that blood glucose levels stay very high and may affect the organs. The primary goal of type 2 diabetes treatment is to control blood sugar levels. Most Bradley University nurse practitioner doctorate degree professionals recommend treatment regimens that include exercise, diet, and medication. A dietary supplement is one of the things that are included in the diet. They can be ingested in liquid or pill form. Most people think of vitamins when they hear the word “supplement”, but botanicals, herbs, minerals, and amino acids can also be considered supplements. Diet is so important with type 2 diabetes treatment; several types of supplements have been studied to determine if they can improve insulin production in the body or lower blood glucose levels.
Dietary Supplement Choices
In order for the human body to grow and function corr1ectly, it requires a combination of 13 vitamins and minerals. Graduates from doctor of nurse practitioner programs have observed that some patients? symptoms improve when they begin to supplement with certain vitamins.
Many diabetics do not have very high levels of B6 stored in their bodies. Several medicals trials have shown that diabetic patients who took biotin for two consecutive months had lower glucose levels at the end of the two-month period. Similar studies have shown that other B-complex vitamins were also helpful.
Physicians have been recommending diabetics supplement with Vitamin C for years. One to three grams of the supplement is enough to improve glucose tolerance in diabetics. Excellent food sources include leafy greens, citrus fruits, and peppers.
A diet that is high in magnesium has also shown potential in lowering diabetes risk in adults. Most people who have type 2 diabetes are usually low in this nutrient. Studies have shown that there is a strong correlation between low levels of magnesium and insulin resistance in the body.
Essential Fatty Acids and Antioxidants
Antioxidants help protect the body against damage in cells and EFAs (essential fatty acids) have anti-inflammatory properties. Vitamins A, C, and E contain both.
Dark chocolate and green tea have more in common than sitting beside each other in the pantry. Both substances contain polyphenols. These are antioxidants that have been shown to be beneficial with insulin activity and glucose.
Fatty acids, like fish oil, have been shown to reduce triglyceride levels. There is additional evidence that fatty acids can protect diabetics from heart disease.
These supplements have been recommended by professionals in the alternative medicine community for decades. However, physicians still want patients to use caution when taking these supplements in conjunction with a diabetes treatment regimen.
Speak to your doctor if you are interested in learning more about these supplements or possibly using them along with conventional treatments. This is important so you and your doctor will know if any supplement has the potential to interfere with your treatment.
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