During menstruation a little pain and discomfort is normal but some women experience “excessive menstrual cramps” and real painful menstruation. For some women the period of menstruation every month can be a real inconvenient one with pain in the lower abdomen or the lower back and more.

Over half of women who menstruate experience period pain (dysmenorrhea) for one to two days every month

During monthly periods pain in the lower abdomen or the lower back can be caused due to a congestive and inflammatory condition of the lower abdomen or because of contractions and spasms of the uterus. For both the said conditions there are some natural and effective ways available using which one can relieve congestion and calm inflammation and spasms thus gain relief from the pain. Mentioned below are some of these natural and effective ways of dealing with menstrual pain. Please note that these natural methods should not be treated as a replacement for medicinal treatments. If the pain persists or worsens it’s recommended that one consults a doctor.

Here are seven simple yet effective methods you can use to keep period pain under control.

Drink more water to reduce bloating– Bloating can cause discomfort and make menstrual cramps worse. While it may sound counterintuitive, drinking water can reduce bloating during your period and alleviate some of the pain it causes. Also, drinking hot water can increase blood flow throughout your body and relax your muscles. This can lessen cramps caused by uterine contractions.

Raspberry-Raspberry has the ability to relax the uterine muscle and reduce contractions. It also has a regulating effect on the hormonal balance. Get raspberry preparation from a pharmacy, dilute 50 to 100 drops in a glass of water and drink the same before a meal. Try the cure once every day for relief.

Blackcurrant buds –The powerful anti-inflammatory action of blackcurrant bud relieves pain during menstruation. Dilute in a glass of water 30 to 50 drops and consume 3 times a day before meals. The mixture is to be taken each month during the painful periods. Please note that the mixture can sometimes be a little too stimulating for sensitive people.

Hot Compress with Chamomile –Hot compress of chamomile has a decongestant and anti-spasmodic effect on spasms causing pain during menstruation. Make an infusion with a tablespoon of dried chamomile in half a liter of boiling water. Dip a thin cloth, folded several times. Dip the fabric a little and test its temperature by placing the compress on the inner side of the forearm. Apply the compress on the lower abdomen and put on a bath towel to keep the heat. Keep the cloth placed as long as the compress remains warm (10 to 15 minutes). One may renew the application at will.

Cypress Essential Oil-The cypress has powerful anti-spasmodic properties, it also acts as a decongestant on venous and lymphatic level. Dilute 2 to 3 drops of cypress?essential oil?in honey and take the mixture three times a day. Start 2 to 3 days before the period and continue for the duration of the period.

Zinc and copper –The combination of trace elements zinc – copper has a regulating action on the hormonal secretions. One may purchase Zinc and copper ampoules or granules in pharmacies. Depending on the dosage indicated, keep granules or liquid for 1 minute under the tongue, in the morning on an empty stomach. To be effective enough the cure must be carried out over several months.

Massage the reflex zone-By massaging the plantar reflex zone of the ovaries and that of the uterus, blood circulation and cellular exchanges in these organs are intensified. These reflex zones are located on either side of the heel, between the malleolus and the back of the heel. Massage the reflex zones of one foot for 5 to 10 minutes, and then proceed in the same way on the other foot.

Getting menstrual cramps and painful periods under control isn’t rocket science. It just requires paying some attention to your body’s very important needs. Eating for blood sugar balance, reducing inflammation, decreasing stress, and increasing exercise may be all you need to do to get relief. If you’ve tried all the menstrual cramp treatments on this list and still have painful periods, or you want to know up front which options will work best for you, talk to your primary care doctor or OB-GYN.

The post Natural Remedies for Painful Menstruation appeared first on Alternative Medicine Magazine.

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