Vitamin D: The Invisible Epidemic

It’s no secret that Vitamin D is critical to balancing many areas of health, but physicians and scientists at The University of Texas Health Science Center are still learning just how powerful the so-called “sunshine vitamin” is. Vitamin D deficiency is extremely...

Kegels vs. Reverse Kegels: Differences Explained

Men and women can feel the benefits of doing both Kegels and Reverse Kegels, but what’s the difference? Those who practice both know how the exercises can increase the strength and flexibility of the pelvic muscles that control the penis and vagina. In a how-to guide...

6 Signs You Need More Sleep

A national study on sleep in the United States found that many Americans, while recognizing the importance of sleep, fail to prioritize daily sleeping habits in their everyday lives. With more demanding work hours and the escape of tempting, technology-based...

Common Misconceptions About Fruit Juice

There is a lack of knowledge of what goes into the food that you eat and what nutrients certain foods do or don’t contain. Processed and packaged food seems great in theory, what with having a longer shelf life, being higher in calories, and cheaper, but this...

5 Tips for Eating on a Budget

Whether you’re a single gal in the city or a suburban mom with several mouths to feed, keeping the pantry stocked with inexpensive, truly healthy foods can be a challenge and it’s one that most of us face at least three times a day! How can you come out a winner and...

Adding Fish to Your Diet?

If you favor fish in your diet for its health-boosting omega-3’s, you need to take a hard look at where your fillets come from before you choose them. New research from the Wake Forest University School of Medicine indicates that certain types of farm-raised fish,...

Why Do You Need Iodine?

You’ve probably heard of iodine and may have wondered why you need it. The answer is: for just about everything. Unfortunately, iodine has been a sadly neglected mineral in our diets since the 1940s, and it was considered only necessary for preventing goiter. But...

Three Teas to Fight the Sniffles

With the hustle and bustle of busy holiday schedules, getting the sniffles is all but certain. Whip up one of these delicious remedies to beat the bug and have energy to chase your little whippersnappers around endless snowbanks. Each contains a key ingredient with...

5 Healthy Heart Tips to Improve Heart Health

The heart is fickle. It wants to love and be loved, and it is liable to be hurt along the way. Facing a bad breakup or realizing that “the one” got away hurts. There’s no denying that. But the heart is also the most important muscle in the body, and emotional...

Track your kids’ fitness this summer

As a parent, you may ask yourself if you should use a device to track your children’s activity. The fitness tracker trend is hot right now, and it’s understandable to ask yourself if this device can benefit your kids. Studies show that around 40% of Americans are...

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