How do EMFS Impact Health

As the world continues to industrialize, and technological revolutions continue, there has been a huge increase in the amount of sources emitting electromagnetic fields. Though for some people it seems that devices such as computers cell phones make our lives easier,...

6 nuts to REVERSE heart disease

From almonds to pistachios, nuts are tasty munchies to boost your health Wish you could ditch your snack attacks? Maybe you don’t need to after all. Research shows munching on smaller meals throughout the day can actually help you shed pounds—but only if you choose...

Supporting Brain, Eye & Cardiovascular Health

n Effective VEGAN Omega-3? Vimergy Is Algae-Based & Supports Brain, Eye & Cardiovascular Health. Are you looking for a high quality, fish-free EPA DHA?  Vimergy is Vegan EPA DHA and contains 163mg of EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), 326mg of DHA (docosahexaenoic acid),...

10 Natural Remedies for Lowering Blood Pressure Quickly

We all have spikes in blood pressure on occasion, caused by factors like excitement, stress, exertion, anger, fatigue, or being cold.. But over time, high blood pressure, or hypertension, increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, cognitive decline,...

Carlson Introduces Mom’s DHA with Choline

Mom’s DHA with Choline blends sustainably sourced herring caviar oil and omega-3s, and provides the 3:1 DHA to EPA ratio naturally found in breastmilk. The DHA is phospholipid-bound, supporting healthy brain development for baby and a healthy mood for mom. Like DHA,...

Why You Need to Consume More Zinc

Your body has about the same amount of zinc as a 4-inch galvanized nail. Getting and maintaining the right amount of this important mineral is similar to walking a tightrope. It’s a fine line between too much and not enough—with hazards for any missteps. Loading up...

Useful tips for coping with cancer

There really is no easy way to write an article like this, but it is a topic that is incredibly important to raise awareness about, and help those struggling to cope with cancer. First and foremost, it is fundamentally important to recognize that we are all...

What Does Intimacy vs Isolation Mean?

Erik Erikson created the theory of psychological development to identify different stages in life. Starting with trust vs. mistrust, the stages go through an entire lifetime, culminating in life’s final stage: ego integrity vs. despair. The sixth stage in this theory...

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