Benefits of Delta 8 THC

You’ve heard of THC, also known as Delta 9 THC, and you’ve heard of CBD, but there is a new cannabinoid gaining popularity throughout the U.S. Directly derived by scientists and researchers from THC or CBD flower in a lab, Delta 8 THC has all the healing properties of...

Probiotics tips and tricks

Americans spend over $2.5 billion annually on probiotic supplements. Which makes sense because probiotics have numerous health benefits, from digestive and immune support to weight management. The main job of probiotics is to help you maintain a healthy balance in...

10 Helpful Health Tips For Having a Tip Top Shape Body

Many of us are looking to live a healthier life. One of the most important health tips is eating entire (whole) foods that are healthy and nourishing (1). Foods that give your cells what they need protection and food! To have a healthy body you should have healthy...

Understanding Migraines

We all get headaches occasionally, that widely vary in severity. A migraine is a certain type of headache that cannot be treated by the use of basic pain relievers because of its intensity. Migraines are characterized by severe headaches that affect one or both sides...

Wrist Pain that doesn’t go Away? Make these Simple Changes

You’re frustrated and pissed that your wrist pain won’t go away. You’ve tried everything that you can think of but nothing seems to be working. You started by soaking your wrist in an ice bath. Then you tried immersing it in warm water. Ultimately, you decided to buy...

How to Improve Your Digestive Health

We rely on our digestive systems to break down the food we eat and to absorb the nutrients we need for healthy functioning. If you do not take care of your digestive system, it cannot in turn take care of you. Poor absorption of nutrients means our vital organs and...

Summer Spoilers

During the summer it’s easy to let your guard down when it comes to food or just make a lot of excuses that can lead to poor choices! Atmosphere and social pressure can also play a huge role in what we choose to eat. Eating Safely During Summer Activities! Frequently...

5 Benefits of Stretching Before (and after) Lifting Weights

Stretching before exercise is incredibly common. Why? Because research shows that stretching prior to exercise, including weight lifting, helps boost circulation, strengthens muscle tone, and improves elasticity of the muscle. Many experts recommend stretching both...

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