A Healthy Diet Means a Healthy You
In the western world, we are programmed from a young age to think that the answer to all ailments is prescription drugs. But in many cases, there are other alternatives that take a far more natural approach and it has to do with what we consume in everyday life. A...
Seven Ways to Naturally Reset Your Hormones
What are hormones? Hormones are chemical messengers, and they play a very crucial role in healthy bodily function. They control your appetite, they help your weight, they stabilize your mood. Hormones also include things like cortisol, leptin, insulin, thyroid...
Five Alternatives To Coffee
Where would we be without coffee? It doesn’t seem to matter how many hours of sleep we get; we don’t feel completely awake and refreshed until we’ve dragged ourselves out of bed and had our first coffee of the day. For many of us, it’s part of our morning ritual,...
Improving Your Health with a Plant-Based Nutrition Plan
As the plant-based trend continues to bring healthy alternatives to restaurants and grocery aisles, millions of Americans are opting for a nutrition plan that centers on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, beans, and legumes. Within the healthcare space,...
Expert Tips to Help You Reach Your Best ‘O’
When it comes to overall physical, mental and emotional wellbeing, satisfying sex is key at any age. Sexual dysfunction is nothing to be embarrassed about – many women experience some form of it, with studies showing that 60% of women are dissatisfied with their sex...
3 Ways to Find the Right Road to Eating Disorder Recovery
An eating disorder is a serious but treatable mental and physical illnesses that can affect people of all genders, ages, races, religions, ethnicities, sexual orientations, body shapes, and weights. National surveys estimate that 20 million women and 10 million men in...
Omega-3 fatty acids are very important.
Whenever healthcare professionals are asked about taking dietary supplements, the most common recommendation is an omega-3 supplement. According to the American Heart Association (AHA), those looking to protect their hearts should eat a variety of fatty fish (such as...
From Supplements to Serums: How to Boost Collagen Levels
With celebs like Jennifer Anniston and influencers all over social media singing its praises, collagen is enjoying an unprecedented spike in popularity. Suddenly, everyone wants to know how to boost collagen levels in their bodies! This is mainly down to a range of...
Foodborne Diseases: Causes, Types, Detection, & More
Food poisoning, or foodborne diseases, are caused by eating food or water contaminated by bacteria, viruses, and parasites—or their toxins—and can happen at any point during processing or production. Both fresh and prepared foods can harbor harmful bacteria. n...
5 Exercise Myths and Their Facts
Exercise is essential to keep the body fit and healthy, it is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. There are also exercises used in physical therapy that aim to help patients strengthen their weakened muscles, loosen their stiffened joints, alleviate pain, and...