3 Tips to Improve Gut Health

Bloating. Heartburn. Weight gain. Frequent visits to the restroom. It’s no surprise: bad gut health can have a big impact on your daily life. But what if there were quick and easy ways to improve your digestive system so you could feel your best every day? In Gut...

8 Tips to Build a Good Immune System for Turbulent Times

Each day we encounter germs, viruses, and other disease-causing bacteria. Yet, we are not catching a new cold every week, or even every month. That is because our immune system is constantly patrolling our bodies, looking for foreign invaders and neutralizing them...

How to Help People with Dementia

To families and friends, caring for a loved one with dementia faces several difficulties. Dementia patients from disorders like Alzheimer’s and related illnesses are undergoing a gradual biological brain disorder that makes it increasingly difficult for them to think...

How Sleep and Heart Health are Related

Chronic insufficient sleep is a common occurrence around the world and results in numerous physiological detriments and consequences, including cardiovascular complications. Heart health in otherwise healthy adults with chronically limited sleep showed abnormal heart...

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