The weather might be getting colder, but football season is heating up again! Whether your sport is played indoors or out, athlete’s need to be in top shape to compete. That means preventing your body from breaking under the pressure of a tough game.
With the correct safety steps, sports injuries can often be prevented.
Sports injuries can be prevented at surface levels by eating right and staying active. This is just a start. The chances of a sports injury happening during a game increases based on the levels of contact involved. A majority of these injuries occur when excessive stress is placed on tendons, joints, and muscles. The American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons suggest that injury rates could be reduced by 25% if athletes take preventative measure. Here are some measures you can take to avoid sports related injuries.
Another concerning injury is concussion. If you suspect you or your child may suffer from a concussion make sure that you discuss the issue with the coach, medical trainer and a healthcare professional.
Preseason Physical
Before you even begin training, get checked out by your doctor. A preseason physical will work as a spot-check that can sniff out any weak points in your system. This, in turn, will allow you to understand which sport is suitable for you. Whatever conditions you are diagnosed with should be treated before you get out on the field.
Pain can be unbearable when you have a pinched nerve in knee, hip, and chest regions. Doing a few warm-up stretches can take the edge off. Mix static and dynamic stretches to loosen muscles. Toe touches and leg stretches are the best two static methods. Two dynamic forms are jumping jacks and push-ups.
Follow the Rules
Referees bare the brunt of the abuse when it comes to enforcing the rules. However, some of those rules are in place to specifically to protect the players. Contact sports, such as football and hockey, create rules that minimize the risks of concussion. Even baseball has prohibitions on head first slides. Remember the rules of your sport and follow them to the letter.
Wear Protective Gear
Another risk eliminator comes courtesy of your protective gear. Some gear varies based on the sport, but helmets, shoulder pads, knee guards, mouth guards, are among the most common. Talk to the coach to know what gear you need. Otherwise, you will be ejected before the game even starts.
Keeping up a routine of physical exertion means constant stress on your body. Athletes who train consecutively have a higher risk of injury. Younger athletes are far more susceptible to overuse injuries from cross-training. Try planning an off-season to give yourself time to recuperate.
Along with healthy eating, hydration is necessary. Drinking a gallon of water each day is enough to avoid getting dehydrated. Heat-related illnesses like fatigue, confusion, and fainting can be avoided with plenty of water.
Change Your Form
If you’re following all of these steps and having difficulty, then maybe your technique is off. Tennis and golf players sometimes stress their forearms and rotator cuffs from poor swinging. Get re-trained on your game. Proper coaching from a professional can allow you develop a smoother technique. Your new skills just might up your game.
Exercise is good for the body. And with the correct safety steps, sports injuries can often be prevented. The quality of protective equipment—padding, helmets, shoes, mouth guards—has helped to improve safety in sports. If you do have a sports injury, make sure you get as much rehab (rehabilitation) as needed before restarting a strenuous activity.
The post How to Avoid Sports Injuries appeared first on Alternative Medicine Magazine.